Indie Map Review

June 23, 2010

Bomberman by mapguy

Filed under: mapguy, Multiplayer, Other — T.B. Louis @ 12:00 am

Bomberman by mapguy

Have you ever played a “clone” game and thought to yourself: “Ah, that brings back the good ol’ days.”  Well, I’ve had that opportunity today.  In Bomberman by mapguy, I was taken to that cross-explosion action with a few twists added in.

Including the default bomb that explodes into a fiery cross, mapguy added four unique bombs to the game: napalm, ricochet, spikes, and super bombs.  The napalm bomb leaves a trail of fire in the area where the bomb exploded.  This is good for trapping your opponent in tight areas.  I’d recommend it for large matches to take out the players who aren’t looking where they’re going.  The ricochet bomb is a bomb you kick.  This is a fun bomb because if someone foolishly runs off into an alley, you merely kick a ricochet bomb to trap your opponent or eliminate him/her.  The spikes bomb doesn’t seem so special though.  When this bomb goes off, spikes shoot out from the ground.  Now, the super bomb is pretty cool.  Instead of making a cross explosion, the super bomb makes a large circular explosion.  This can catch more people in an explosion if they’re unaware of the super bomb placement.

Another unique feature also makes the game a bit more fun: mounts can be randomly found on each battleground.  These can mounts give you a special ability such as shield, a boost in speed, and invisibility.  I never used the invisibility ability, but the last time I saw it used, the person blew up right as he/she disappeared.  Now, I cheered because I won that round, but then it made me realize that maybe disappearing causes some kind of glitch.  I’m not entirely sure at the moment, and I guess I don’t have a huge urge to find out either.

The map’s environment is also very lovely.  Each battleground has its own unique theme, and there’s always a different place to hide and blow up, giving each game a memorable moment because you only experience each battleground once, which could also be a repellent.  The game doesn’t last longer than five minutes in most cases.  Who wants to play a game that must be constantly rehosted?  Not I, especially when there are fewer and fewer people actually playing WC3!  I actually played against a French man in one game, and he wasn’t a pleasant person to chat to.  No offense to any of my French speaking readers.

I give Bomberman by mapguy a 11 out of 12.

That’s it for now.  Keep on mappin’, WC3 fans.

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